Kmetijska-poljedelska krajina
= njive, polja s kulturnimi rastlinami: krajina, ki jo izkoriščamo za pridelovanje poljščin, brez dreves ali z redkimi drevesi. Karakteristične so različni tipi mej: žive meje, kanali, nasipi, suhi zidovi itd., ki razmejujejo kmetijske površine.
Vir: Definicijo je prispeval Eucaland- projekt za potrebe projekta.
Database entries forKmetijska-poljedelska krajina
Research & upload: Bénédicte Gaillard. The entries are still in process.
The Neolithic Revolution leading from nomadic to sedentary lifestyle has engendered an evolution from hunter-gatherer to sheep and cattle breeding, the cultivation of wheat and barley grains, on the territory of France around the 5th Century before JC. From this period on man works and plough the soil.
Research: Martina Slámová, Jana Špulerová, Marta Dobrovodská, Dagmar Štefunková; upload: Bénédicte Gaillard. The entries are still in process.
It was developed during several phases of German and… [Read more]