Enclosed land in Spain

    How/why/by, whom was it created?

    The entries are still in process, the e-atlas is still under development


    Second half of the 14th century: reference of semi-openfields in Mondoñedo (Galicia)
    First reference in XVIII century (Bouhier, 1979)
    Boom: XIX and first half of XX century
    After 1950s: Intensive systems
    1960s: Breaking-up with traditional farming
    1970s: Agricultural policy
    1980s: Expansion of forestry
    1986: Spain joins EU: milk and meat production development

    Enclosed landscapes in Spain

    Enclosed landscapes in Spain

    Enclosed fields in the Valle de los Pedroches in Cordoba in Spain

    Enclosed fields in the Valle de los Pedroches in Cordoba in Spain

    Lousas, slate tiles enclosure in Galicia in Spain

    Lousas, slate tiles enclosure in Galicia in Spain


    Bouhier, A., 1979. Galicia, a Geographical Essay of an Old Agricultural Field System.
    Université de Poitiers, Vendée (in French).
    Calvo-Iglesias, MS; Fra-Paleo, U; Díaz-Varela, RA, 2009. Changes in farming system and population as drivers of land cover and landscape dynamics: The case of enclosed and semi-openfield systems in Northern Galicia (Spain).

    Atlas de los paisajes de España. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. 2003.

    Los paisajes agrarios de España. Caracterización, evolución y tipificación. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. 2011.

    Arquitectura del paisaje rural de la península Ibérica, Islas Baleares y Canarias. Francesc Navés Viñas. Omega. 2004.


    Enclosed landscapes are typical for the humid Atlantic regions of the north of Spain, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and País Vasco.

    Intensive area: northern mountains of Galicia.

    Also characteristics in:
    -Eivissa y Menorca.
    -El valle de los pedroches
    -Comarca Zamorana de Sayago
    -Alt Empordà in Catolonia

    How is it used today?

    Some areas keep the use patterns (Mieres, Langreo, Sotrondio...)
    Rural tourism

    Is it connected to specific functions?

    Agronomic functions
    Environmental functions
    Recreational functions

    Aesthetic functions
    Wildlife functions

    Further information: Text

    Various threats:

    Socio-economic changes
    Changes in the agricultural sector
    Functional changes. New land uses (such production of energy).
    Rural exodous