Cultivo en Terrazas
(1) Esta forma de uso de la tierra se organiza en terrazas para maximizar la insolación. Las terrazas son típicas de todo el Mediterráneo. Cultivos típicos: uvas de vino, olivos y árboles frutales (2) El cultivo en terrazas es notoriamente difícil de fechar. Se conocen muy pocos de la Edad del Bronce, y existe evidencia arqueológicas de ellos en la Grecia clásica. Aún es incierto cómo han llegado a extenderse tanto.
Fuente: (1) Definición elaborada por el grupo Eucaland-Project (2) Grove y Rackham 2001.
Los paisajes agrícolas en terrazas son tanto pastizales como campos, incluidos paisajes artificiales como la viña y la producción de fruta. No incluye: terrazas artificiales de minas o depósitos de residuos, prados inundados en regiones montañosas que también tienen un aspecto de terraza, Wölbäcker / Bifang, terrazas de infraestructura (por ejemplo, carreteras, diques, construcción de viviendas), microterrazas por trashumancia y / o animales salvajes.
Fuente: Elaborado por la red EUCALAND para fines de proyecto
Database entries forCultivo en Terrazas
Research: Goran Andlar, Filip Šrajer et al.; upload: Bénédicte Gaillard. The entries are still in process
Research: Alexandra Kruse & Bénédicte Gaillard; Upload: Bénédicte Gaillard. The entries are still in process
Artificial terraced landscape date back early and historical findings prove wine cultivation at the rivers through Romans. They already used prepared terraces for the cultivation.
The majority of terraces is used for fruit, olive and wine production in the southern parts of... [Read more]
Research & Upload: Alexandra Kruse. The entries are still in process
The used name in Germany is Terrassen and for the landscape Terrassenlandschaft, according to their function also Ackerterrassen and especially important Weinterrassen for wine growing. Old names are Stufenrain, Kulturwechselstufen (see fig. 2). An additional historic type is the so called “Wölbäcker”(see fig. 3). There is a huge agrarmorphological ensemble of relief... [Read more]
Research: Hans Renes; Upload: Bénédicte Gaillard. The entries are still in process
Research: NIBIO, Sebastian Eiter, Oskar Puschmann et al; upload: Bénédicte Gaillard. The entries are still in process, the e-atlas is still under development
Terraces have been a very common feature in parts of the Norwegian agricultural landscape for centuries. The general Norwegian term for terrace is ... [Read more]
Research: Martina Slámová, Jana Špulerová, Marta Dobrovodská, Dagmar Štefunková; upload: Bénédicte Gaillard.
Terraces for agricultural land use were established primarily during the Walachian colonisation wave between the 14th and 16th centuries in Slovakia (Stankoviansky, 2003... [Read more]
Research: Drago Kladnik et al. Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU & Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts; upload: Bénédicte Gaillard. The entries are still in process
Research: Padoc Research Group Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; upload: Bénédicte Gaillard. The entries are still in process
Research: Della Hooke; upload: Bénédicte Gaillard. The entries are still in process.
Deliberately created cultivation terraces have never been a feature in England (or the UK) but lynchets... [Read more]